On Programmne Paradoxes

I actually quite like Prince 2. It takes me back to the 1990’s and Britpop and cheerier, more optimistic times. As a project management method though it does have quite a few problems. Nothing wrong with stage containment as a way to manage risk, but endless debates about roles and reams of paperwork… not so much. I wish I could produce the perfect PM method, but alas I fear that will never happen. There are just too many different business problems, cultures & technologies to capture neatly in one place. And there are nuances and contradictions and paradoxes.

Talking about agile – Dan North

Agile. Has a word had more interpretations, more connotations, more expectations? When the pioneering souls first wrote down the Agile Manifesto – a simple but deceptively subtle definition of what agile means – little could they have realised how the concept would be used and sometimes misused over the subsequent years.

Talking about teams – Patrick Lencioni

Team Building. Anyone who has worked in corporate life will, at some stage, have been on a Team Building Exercise. Well meaning, sometimes fun, often teeth grindingly awkward and mostly useless. Yet most of us know that a great team with everyone pulling in the same direction can do amazing things.